I devoured a tub of Ellovi Body Butter pretty intensely last fall. It is a hidden gem among the sea of body moisturizers out there. The concentrated balm did wonderful hydrating things to my skin and smelled like a tropical destination — but not at all in that manufactured way that can give you a headache. I’ve got a serious soft spot for companies like Ellovi that want nothing to do with artificial ingredients and fillers that are in so many of our personal care products. And, they really outdid themselves with the new Lip Butter. Like the Body Butter, it has six ingredients. In this case, Hawaiian coconut, sunflower, hemp, macadamia, marula and shea butter. It melts onto your lips and easily destroys any dryness, in a very lasting way. Plus, it’s only $5 (with free shipping!) so I don’t feel guilty about using way more than I need to. I dig the pocket-friendly skinny tube but have been stashing it in my mini Baggu wedge for easy purse access!
Ellovi Lip Butter

This sounds so good! I would be worried I’d take a bite out of it instead of using it for my lips! Loving the price point and that Baggu wedge is so cute!
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