Today, I turn a year older than 30. And I’m feeling pretty good about it all. Admittedly, I still feel 25, though I wouldn’t trade a thing to actually be that age again. With each birthday, I like to think that I grow older and wiser. You know, having a more profound perspective on life….or something. I’ll spare you 31 thoughts, but here are some that represent the past year for me!
1. Your metabolism goes to hell when you hit 30
2. Working out is crucial. Something I’ve really been forced to do in a committed way in the past year. (see above)
3. Why have I just recently tried pilates? I should have listened to Jennifer Aniston years ago.
4. It’s OK to drink a Summer Shandy every day in the summer if you want to. It’s only here for a limited time.
5. It’s OK to love your dog like a child….
6. …and to be worried about how your dog will feel when you do introduce an actual human to your household
7. Speaking of introducing humans to the world, it’s also OK to do that on your own timeline and not feel the pressure that comes along with being in your 30s
8. Career is important, but remember to nurture your other relationships
9. Take really good care of your skin. It feels really good when someone mistakes you for a 25 year old!
10. Being confident gets easier with age. Own your POV and never waver.
11. Being confused at whether to weep or laugh at the fact that you turned 21 a decade ago. Weep because 10 years, really? And laugh because I could NEVER have another night like that again. My resilience is completely gone!
And, finally, I don’t say it enough, but thank you for reading 312 Beauty and indulging me while I talk about lipstick and face oils. I adore my little corner of the internet and those of you who join me here.
Happy July 16th, all!
Happy Birthday! I also turn 31 this year and I could not agree with your thoughts more.
Thanks, Lacey! Cheers to 1982 bdays! 🙂
Happy Birthday! You look great, never would have guessed you were more than 25 😉
Arielle recently posted…How to Thrift at Plato’s Closet
Arielle, I’m giving you a big ol virtual hug!! Thank you:)
Happy Birthday! I thought you were going to say you’re expecting after reading #6 haha
Lenka @ Healthy Fit Goddess recently posted…Marathon Training Log: Week 5
Happy birthday, sweetums! Here’s to the wisdom you’ve gained (and kindly shared with your readers!) and best wishes for another wonderful 31 years!
PS: You aren’t kidding about the exercise becoming crucial! I’m 33. At 22, I could have given up 1 can of Coke a day and lost 10 pounds. Now it’s working out 3 times a week AND no soda whatsoever AND no cheeseburgers. Or cheese. Or chocolate. And maybe – MAYBE – 2 pounds will vanish if I’m lucky! I wouldn’t go back to 22 if you paid me, but I would trade my metabolism / figure with the younger me ANY DAY! 🙂
kristen @ glambunctious recently posted…Mani Monday: Sally Hansen Salon Effects Real Nail Polish Strips in Girl Flower #340
Happy 31st Birthday and thanks for great blogs