Considering I check my social media, I don’t know, probably a dozen times each day (if not more; OK, fine, definitely more), I like to uncover interesting stories, experiences and points of views. I’m over resolving to detox from the world of social – though fully support those that can successfully detach – and instead am committing to filling my feeds with the bold and thought-provoking. Don’t fret, though, I still really appreciate pictures of your dogs and breakfast, too.
In no particular order…
Abode Abide calls her web presence a solace of ebb and flow and that feels spot on. Every Instagram begins with a single word or phrase and she manages in just a sentence or two to convey so much feeling and emotion. She reminds me that no moment is insignificant and reflection is necessary.
I got to know Stella Blackmon when I was in Palm Springs with Clementine Daily last summer. She just graduated from the University of Missouri and is wise beyond her years. Her sweet old soul comes across genuinely on Instagram. The composition of her photos, the captions and insights she shares are my favorite.
If I could only follow one person on Twitter, it would be Felicia Sullivan, author and voice behind the blog “love life eat.” Most days I purposefully go see @felsull for the sole reason to catch up on her tweets. She shares a flurry of news everyday, but also some real thinkers. I can think of a handful of occasions where she’s brought me to tears from one of her shares. Follow her immediately!
I proudly join 5.6 million other people in following Elizabeth Dehn (a.k.a. Beauty Bets) on Pinterest. Beauty tips, recipes, style, discoveries and the perfect non-cheesy pinspirational quotes that have you clicking so hard on that ‘pin it’ button yourself.
On a personal level, Lindsay Humes of White Oak Creative has challenged me in so many positive ways. I value her friendship, talent and creative smarts. If she’s sharing something for the world, I know it always serves a purpose. From the original artwork she creates for her ‘wearing literature’ series to the digital marketing advice she shares regularly on Twitter, the girl is a boss.