Hair Lifeline: The Wet Brush

The-Wet-BrushIt was around last Memorial Day that I quit the blow dryer. True story. I make exceptions for the occasional blowout but am pretty content with good old fashioned still air. I wash my hair at night, 2-3x a week, and have a multi-step routine of detangling, smoothing and serum-ing. The biggest headache for someone with gobs of hair is detangling. It’s true that using a wide-tooth comb helps minimize any damage or breakage, but only to an extent. And it takes forever. Regardless of hair length, I have to imagine we all have the same woes. How many hair knot massacres do we have to suffer before we think of a better way???

Enter the Wet Brush™ —- my new lifeline! Game-changer alert. I can run this through towel-dried tangled hair and in one stroke of the brush, that section is completely smooth and detangled. And there’s not gobs of hair in the brush as a result. It doesn’t tug, tear or pull — or consequently, hurt in any way. The bristles are the key, a mix of flexible and firm. It really does work best on wet hair. Time saver + more hair on your head = always a good combo. Plus, the color options are so fun. I love the bright pink!

You can shop the Wet Brush online, and you can also find it at Sally Beauty Supply stores. I will be gifting this to all of my friends and family — this is the ultimate functional girl tool!

*editorial sample provided

10 thoughts on “Hair Lifeline: The Wet Brush

  1. Suzanne LeRoux

    Ooh, Laurie. This is exactly what I need and I am going to go to Sallys and pick one up. I too have minimized washing and blowing my hair and it looks so much better now. But I always do have problems detangling and I am hoping this will do the trick. Thanks!

  2. Katherine

    I used to have a lot of trouble with tangles too, but a while ago now I started using a wide tooth comb in the shower while my conditioner was soaking in and that changed things dramatically! The conditioner makes the hair nice and slippery, so there’s virtually no tugging or breaking; I just stick my head under the water like I normally would when rinsing, run the comb through it all, and then finish rinsing. I comb again with a wide tooth comb after towel drying, but it’s a much easier process having been pre-combed.


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